Wednesday 13 June 2007

Assessment#2 Blog Post

Well, where to begin?...

**I have finished going through the check-list with no hiccups this time, so there's no point posting it!**


As you can see I have made drastic changes to the layout of my blog, as told in this post and this one too.
I like my new header image! ^^^
I think the changes increases the interestingness and aesthetics of my blog, but would still be better suited if I was a girl or perhaps a girly-boy. This is the case because after editing my blog I realised that the clouds and light blue colours of my blog could be view as if it were a child's bedroom, which is not exactly what I was aiming for. However I don't believe that my blog is an eyesore, just not suited to my personality. (PS: I don't think Erin's blog is that bad).
My blog is still fully functional and I have kept most of my page elements in the same place as I believe they work best in the current positions.
I have also completed all the requirements regarding Technorati, however I still find it to be little-to-no use for me (but that's just a personal thing :P).

Hannah and I (Pirates)
What better way to start my rant on flickr but with a picture? (and what a great picture it is!!!)
I have uploaded over the required amount of 30 photo's to flickr, but have not upload much more then that, as I would rather my pictures and flickr account be about quality, not quantity. Most of my interesting images have been "pushed" to the MPI104-2007 group
There's not that much else to say about flickr, but you should check out my favorites page (hope you like BMWs!).
Oh, and i added "notes"(the notes that appear inside the image) in some of my aesthetic related images. Like this one:
Boing Boing - Bad Aesthetics

There is not much to say about my account, except that I have done what was required of me, incorporated it as part of my work flow, and that you should check it out if you like webcomics!

When I started this subject I didn't update my accounts too frequently as I usually only go on the net once a week, but after getting more involved in the MPI104 class I have integrated my blog, flickr and delicious accounts into my normal study/workflow. (Instead of trying to update them all in one go!)

Well that's it! Hope I haven't forgotten anything.
Thanks for a good semester and thanks for bringing INTERESTINGNESS to our classes!!!

1 comment:

Ben said...

Holy god damn, so much stuff on your blog. Anyway, just got back from LAN cafe (its currently 7am) and I wanted to chuck the panda trueno up somewhere and link you it before I slept. It is so great. I lovez0rs it. Also, 12 hour LAN is great. 12 hours straight, with lots of gaming and lots of pwning. Anywho, I obviously need sleep, here is the PANDA TRUENO and here is me sleeping *becomes asleep in computer chair*.